Carmel Sastre not only provides you online healing sessions using his hands, fingers, sources of energy and elements, but also provide you energetic descriptions, which are things to do, tools that you can use to remove pain or to heal your problem.

Between one session and another you can follow the recommendations by doing some grounding exercises, or any other energetic exercise such as for example self healing with your hand.

The hands are a microcosmos of the whole energetic body, you have the major and minor chakras, the organs, and energy centers as well as different elements and sources of energy.

Carmel tells you in the session what to do according to your needs.

He teaches you what to do with your hands for different pain problems such as:

– Neck pain, lower neck C7 T1

– Shoulder pain

-Knee pain

-Hip pain

– Ankle or foot pain

– Back pain of middle back T7 T8

– Lower back pain L2 L3

-Coccyx or Tailbone pain

– Sacrum

– Diarrhoea

– Tooth pain

– Sore throat

– Sinus pain

– Joint pains

-Elbow pain

– Menstrual cramps, general cramps

-Arthrosis, Arthritis.

– Tendinitis

-Headache, Sinus headache, migraines

– Chronic pain 

finger elements how to healing with the fingers and hands and self healing
Learn the minor Chakras of the hand, elements, pain removal, finger chakras and heal self healing